Core Values
The core values of Harvest Liberty Lake Church are what guide our ministry planning and help shape the culture of our new church. They are informed by our doctrinal convictions and lived out in our doing of ministry together.
Gospel Centrality
We believe that the Gospel ought to be at the center of all Christian ministry. It is not just for the unsaved but for the saved as well. We believe a continual exposure and greater understanding of the Gospel is what helps in the maturing of Christian Disciples. (1 Corinthians 2:2-5)
Personal Bible Study
We believe that it is important to preach the Bible but also to equip and encourage God’s people to read the Bible personally. We seek to accomplish this through preaching, Sunday school classes, and shared ministry tools/resources. Personal Bible reading is one of the most crucial aspects of making and maturing disciples. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Biblical Community
We believe that the Christian faith is not meant to be a “lone ranger” experience. In fact, the gathering of believers and building of close Christian relationships are essential in making disciples. We are convinced that the closer we become with one another, the closer we become to God. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Lifestyle Evangelism
We believe every Christian has the responsibility and the privilege to share Christ with those around them in a personal way. Therefore, we strive to help everyone in the church develop the confidence and ability to share Christ personally--knowing that not one method fits all persons. (1 Peter 3:15)
Multigenerational Relationships
We believe that the church is the healthiest when it consists of a diverse group of people— particularly in age. We believe the young are blessed by the wisdom of the older and the older are encouraged by the enthusiasm of the younger. Therefore ministry should be designed in such a way as to bring people of different age groups and backgrounds together in order to foster cross-generational discipleship relationships. (1 John 1:12-14 & Titus 2:1-8)
Raising up New Ministry Leaders
We believe that one of the key roles of a Pastor is to raise up future leaders of the church— ministry leaders, deacons, elders, and even new Pastors. We do not want the mission and ministry of the church to be fully dependent on one man. Therefore, we will seek to raise up leaders at every opportunity so that our Gospel impact can be multiplied and be long-lasting into the future. (Ephesians. 4:11-12)
Family Worship
Our desire is to see whole families thrive in their walk with God. The best way that we believe to do that is through "Family Worship." We believe that families should worship God every day at home by reading the Bible, praying, and singing together. We also believe that God has given parents the primary role of passing along their faith to their kids and helping them grow in their faith as well. The ministries of our church are meant to help and equip parents, not replace them with regard to discipling their children. (Duet. 6:6-7 & Prov. 22:6)
Congregational Singing
We believe that there is value in singing praises to God personally but also together as the church. Therefore, our services will include songs that are designed to make them singable for all people--whether you have a musical background or not. While we place a high value on musical excellence we also are careful not to make our worship performative. The Lord commands us to sing together and our desire is to be obedient to the Lord. (Col. 3:16, & Psalm 68:4-5).